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Staff Spotlight - New Graduate Registered Nurse, Phoebe

Registered Nurse Phoebe, took the challenge and joined the Lingard Perioperative New Grad Program. She hasn't looked back.

When 22 year old Phoebe Wheeler graduated from the University of Newcastle, she wasn’t sure which direction to head with her degree. With Nursing presenting so many unique career opportunities for New Graduates there were so many options to choose from!

“I thought I might like to go into critical care, but this opportunity came up in surgical theatres at Lingard and I haven’t looked back,” says Phoebe.

Phoebe has found life as a scrub/scout nurse fast-paced, challenging and incredibly rewarding. “Everyone in surgical theatres is super supportive,” Phoebe says. “I’m always paired with an experienced nurse who can teach me and support me while on shift.”

It’s a big step from the uni campus to the surgical theatre, but one that Phoebe recommends to any new nursing graduate.

“I’ve had the best experience with Lingard. Being a leading surgical hospital, I feel like my experience is very unique to Lingard and I don’t think I could have had this experience anywhere else, really. I’m so glad I took the plunge and went for it. I could not be happier.”
