Day Centre
Lingard Day Centre, our new state-of-the-art, day surgery complex is now open for business.
Lingard Day Centre is located at 6-8 Lingard Street, Merewether 2291, directly opposite from Lingard Private Hospital.
The new facility offers 4 operating theatres, 2 endoscopy suites, 24 recovery bays and a multi-level carpark with 130 car spaces.
Lingard Day Centre is an extension of Lingard Private Hospital, a facility purpose-built to efficiently cater for high volumes of patients, all the while providing a superior patient experience. With a 23 hour licence the facility can care for patients overnight where necessary.
Lingard Day Centre offers surgeons cutting-edge surgical equipment, providing patients with less invasive procedures, reduced risks and reduced recovery time. Our patients and surgeons are supported by our experienced nursing and administration team who are committed to the very best in patient care.
GP and Specialist practices will soon receive a welcome pack with admissions information and patient consent forms. In the meantime, any queries you may have can be directed to the appropriate contact below.
Contact Lingard Day Centre
Phone: 02 4002 7111
Patient Medical History completed online via with options for both facilities: Lingard Private Hospital and Lingard Day Centre.
We look forward to assisting you with your patients at the new Lingard Day Centre.